We are pleased to report that Boran Mopack has invested in the latest SOMA flexo technology - the new Optima² flexographic printing press and S-Mount automatic plate mounter.
Family-owned Boran Mopack Ltd., based in Strabane Northern Ireland along with Boran Packaging Ltd., a packaging plant headquartered in Johnstown, has extensive manufacturing capabilities in extrusion, flexographic printing, lamination and conversion processes. These cover a range of substrates, allowing a wide array of flexible packaging to be created to their customers’ specific needs. Backed by their significant experience, expertise and competent staff, they produce products to exacting standards that will meet and exceed customer requirements. They supply to customers nationwide and the UK.
Boran Mopack has purchased the SOMA equipment to replace an existing flexo press and to provide additional capacity. Because of the speed and productivity of the mounter and press, reduced changeover times, and exceptional quality, the company expects to be able to deliver added capacity with exceptional-looking packaging for its customers.
Boran Mopack’s new Optima² has a 1270mm print width, with eight printing decks. Features include the SOMA IRIS system that sets register and impression completely automatically; Advanced Bounce Control, which allows top speeds with absolute print stability; the SOMA Ink Cartridge that reduces ink costs by minimizing ink volume and residual waste; and the Service S-Chat, a very convenient chat-type communication.
The SOMA S-Mount automated plate mounter is considerably easy to operate while offering IRIS (Intelligent Register & Impression setting System) - its new generation of topography and register measurement. New optics and high-resolution cameras expand the possibilities for automatic control of the mounted plates. S-Mount is provided with a completely new and intuitive user interface that lets the operator immediately change or adjust settings according to the requirements of the specific print job. It also provides accuracy - precise plate mounting means less problems on the press.
“There are a number of reasons behind our latest purchase of the Optima² flexo press to our existing range of flexographic presses, along with two S-Mount A mounting machines. We feel that the SOMA Optima² with the improved IRIS (Intelligent Register and Impression Setting) operator control system will provide us reduced changeover times along with decreased waste, while increasing our run times - especially on short run work,” states Máirtín Boran, Managing Director at Boran Plastic Packaging Ltd.“The additional operator aids designed by SOMA around the inking systems, chambers and the machine cleaning operations are very welcomed. The reduced footprint afforded by the Optima² ensures very little change to the current print hall layout in our Northern Ireland factory in Strabane. All of these features, coupled with the excellent print quality we have achieved, have made us very excited with this addition to our family of presses. I should add that we are also happy to work with a family-owned company that shares the same business and personal values as we do.”
“We are very pleased that our technology met with Boran’s demanding expectations for high quality and efficiency standards. We look forward to working with Boran Mopack,” says Pavla Kusa, SOMA Commercial Director.” We are also happy to build on SOMA’s recent sales successes in the United Kingdom and Ireland.”
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Дизайн устраняющий биение
Флексо - очень перспективная технология, но имеет один недостаток. Определенные модели могут производить вибрации из-за ротационного процесса в печатной и непечатной области. Поэтому мы разработали систему Advanced Bounce Control, которая гарантирует минимальное биение на максимальных скоростях и идеальную форму точки.
Эффективность коротких тиражей
Заказы становятся все короче и короче во всех областях упаковки из-за многих причин, таких как персонификация упаковки или увеличение количества видов продукта в линии. Мы разработали Optima специально для быстрой смены между заказами с несколькими уникальными системами, такими как ARUN, Falcon II или Ink Cartridge.
Печать расширенной цветовой гаммой
Некоторые говорят, что будущее флексографской печати - EGP, т.е. расширенная гамма-печать (7-цветная фиксированная палитра, без цветов Pantone). Optima с ее современной системой красок и очень стабильной точкой благодаря Advanced Bounce Control идеально подходит для EGP. Таким образом, Вы получаете следующие преимущества:
отсутствие смывок и, следовательно, экономия времени, красок и пластин
печать нескольких дизайнов одновременно
Безопасная для окружающей среды печать
Будущее наших детей важно для нас. Мы разработали OPTIMA для работы со всеми безопасными для окружающей среды технологиями, такими как печать на водной основе, печать на бумаге или биоразлагаемых материалах, EGP или энергетически закрепляемыми красками.
ULTRA Technology
UV или UV-LED широко используются в основном в сегменте этикеток. Для тех, кто хочет освоить преимущества технологии в сегменте средне и широкорулонной печати, OPTIMA является идеальным решением.