The Iberian leader on printed packaging materials for sugar sachets and sugar sticks trust in Optima2
EMBA - Comércio e Indústria de Embalagem, S.A. a 40 years old flexible paper packaging company, based in Alenquer, Portugal is the Iberian leader on printed packaging materials for sugar sachets and sugar sticks.
In 2014 EMBA took the decision to invest in a new flexographic printing press. But before choose what machine to invest in, EMBA performed a lots of real printing tests in 4 different European printing press manufacturers (OEM). EMBA supplied the printing plates, inks, special lacquered paper. The only variable was the printing press itself.
One of the big challenges was the bounce effect while printing wide sugar sachets materials, because it’s impossible to use printing plates with the different printing sets in different alignments. This lead to gaps between the different sachets images and causes important bounce effect printing problems. At the beginning EMBA was very impressed with the big organization and long success history of a German manufacturer. But during the real printing tests the results were not good enough to EMBA. The printing press was very good but didn't fit for EMBA printing jobs.
Since DRUPA 2000 EMBA was following SOMA evolution and it was possible to see that the company was growing sustainably and has very good technical skills. In 2015 EMBA performed trials at SOMA premises twice. The result was quite impressive. It was the printing press with better results in terms of bounce effect. It has bounce effect but only at a higher speed than the direct competitors.
In 2016 EMBA was invited to the presentation of OPTIMA2 and immediately schedule a printing test at SOMA's factory for one month later. The test was almost perfect: with a very difficult 7 colours printing job the registration, the absence of bounce effect, the user-friendly operator interface, make EMBA to take the decision: We want to invest on a OPTIMA2 from SOMA! We fully trust in SOMA technical capability to produce top quality flexo printing presses, on time and technologically advance. The partnerships with BOSCH Rexroth and ALLSTEIN were also factor that we took in consideration at the time we had to take the final decision.
In all the tests process and printing press specification we have the technical and commercial support of INNOPACK, SOMA's agent for Portugal and Spain. They were simply fantastic and super professional and this was also one important factor that we took in consideration in our multi criteria analyses.
SOMA, as a company, is not as big as some competitors and has not a long history as some German and Spanish competitors. But EMBA is also a small company and we know SOMA deserve to get the opportunity to show its capabilities and professionalism. That’s why EMBA took the right decision. It is not the most price competitive printing press but it is the printing press that fits exactly what we were looking for! We choose SOMA because we trust in SOMA Team! SOMA is a company with human touch. For anyone who is looking for a state of the art, intelligent and easy-to-operate flexo printing press, I would certainly recommend the SOMA OPTIMA2.
EMBA - Comércio e Indústria de Embalagem, S.A.
Mr. Luís Mendes (EMBA member of the BOARD and co-CEO)
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Vibrační tisky
Flexotisk je slibnou technologií, která má pouze jednu slabinu. Některé tiskové designy mohou generovat vibrace vznikající při rotačním způsobu tisku mezi tisknutelnou a netisknutelnou oblastí. Proto jsme vyvinuli pokročilý systém Advanced Bounce Control, který zaručuje minimální vibrace při vyšších tiskových rychlostech a zajišťuje perfektní tvar tiskového bodu.
Efektivita krátkých zakázek
Zakázky se zkracují ve všech oblastech obalového průmyslu z rozličných důvodů, např. kvůli personifikaci obalu nebo z požadavku na velké množství příchutí. Flexotiskový stroj Optima je navržen pro rychlou výměnu zakázek a je vybaven několika jedinečnými systém jako ARUN, Falcon II nebo Ink Cartridge.
Tisk rozšířeným spektrem barev
Někteří lidé vidí budoucnost flexotiskové technologie v rozšířeném spektru barev EGP, čili sedmibarevném tisku bez použití přímých barev Pantone. Tiskový stroj Optima, s moderním systémem čerpání barev a velmi stabilním tiskovým bodem díky pokročilému systému eliminace vibrací Advanced Bounce Control, je ideálním řešením pro sedmibarevný tisk EGP. Výhody, které EGP přináší:
bez nutnosti přemývání barevníků, čímž se šetří čas, barva a tiskové štočky
současný tisk několika designů ve stejnou chvíli
Ekologický tisk
Budoucnost dalších generací je pro nás důležitá. Vyvinuli jsme tiskový stroj OPTIMA tak, aby dokázal efektivně pracovat s technologiemi šetrnými k životnímu prostředí, jako je tisk vodními barvami, tisk na papír nebo na biodegradabilní materiály, sedmibarevný tisk EGP nebo tisk s UV nebo UV/LED barvami.
ULTRA Technology
UV nebo UV/LED barvy se převážně používají pro potisk etiket. Pro společnosti, které chtějí profitovat z této technologie ve středně širokém nebo širokém segmentu tisku obalů, je flexotiskový stroj Optima ideálním řešením.