Says Lukáš Skalický, the chief designer of SOMA's new automatic plate mounter.
The automation within the process of plate mounting in combination with ARUN technology brings constant improvement of the printing process so that it can compete with the other print processes. Is the role of plate mounter important? Of course! Plate mounting itself is a critical offline activity for the flexo printing process. The clear market trend to automate this process delivers the following benefits for every printer: exceptional mounting precision, and elimination of human error while mounting plates. Since it defines excellent mounting precision, it reduces the time needed to mount plates and assures repeatable jobs.
What is the primary difference between the previous and the new generation SOMA plate mounter?
The original plate mounter was developed primarily to help with the automatic adjustment of registration and pressures overseen by ARUN - a technology developed together with company Allstein, GmbH. The whole concept was adapted to that. In contrast, the new- generation plate mounter emphasizes the plate mounting, itself. The ARUN system is an option. We responded to ever-increasing demands for productivity, short runs and accuracy. The result was an automatic S-Mount plate mounter with significant operator ease of use while maintaining the accuracy of the ARUN system.
What makes the new-generation plate mounter innovative?
The new S-Mount plate mounter is offered in three versions with different degrees of automation for plate mounting. While similar machines on the market have three different mounting devices, the S-Mount is one piece of equipment with different levels of automation. You can invest in a plate mounter for manual plate mounting and, as your business grows, upgrade to automation or full automation.
During development, we focused on maximum efficiency and the use of operator time. When mounting plates automatically, the operator can prepare additional plates, tape or create a recipe for a new job. Even the fully automatic mounter is very easily accessible, while special or damaged plates can be mounted manually. Convenient mounting of the tape is possible directly on the fully automatic plate mounter. This is a unique feature that delivers more flexibility to the entire process.
The use of new optics and high-resolution cameras expands the possibilities of automatic mounting inspection, by allowing operators to check the accuracy of mounting. All measured data is compared with permitted tolerances, and the operator is immediately notified if it exceeds the limits.
S-Mount is equipped with a completely new intuitive user interface. Everyone can adjust the settings according to their requirements. Defining a new job itself has never been easier.
S-Mount is connected to our S-Cloud Solution, where it is possible to monitor the load of the machine online, prepare recipes from the office, or order spare parts. The connection to the flexographic printing press ensures the transfer of job data and offers advantages that are unique in the market.
From your point of view, what benefits will the S-Mount deliver to the customer?
The first is productivity: S-Mount-A and S-Mount-FA can replace two or three conventional plate mounters.
The second benefit is versatility: S-Mount can mount plates for machines with different core diameters and sleeve widths and adapts to different print setting systems (ARUN, GPS, Easy-Reg).
And the last one is intuitiveness: Operation of the machine is very simple and instinctive. The device itself performs a series of calibrations to ensure a constant level of accuracy and reliability. And, if an unexpected situation occurs in the mounting process, the operator is notified immediately and can easily solve the problem.
S-Mount offers a number of other smart solutions that make the job easier for the operator and increases the efficiency of the machine.
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Vibrační tisky
Flexotisk je slibnou technologií, která má pouze jednu slabinu. Některé tiskové designy mohou generovat vibrace vznikající při rotačním způsobu tisku mezi tisknutelnou a netisknutelnou oblastí. Proto jsme vyvinuli pokročilý systém Advanced Bounce Control, který zaručuje minimální vibrace při vyšších tiskových rychlostech a zajišťuje perfektní tvar tiskového bodu.
Efektivita krátkých zakázek
Zakázky se zkracují ve všech oblastech obalového průmyslu z rozličných důvodů, např. kvůli personifikaci obalu nebo z požadavku na velké množství příchutí. Flexotiskový stroj Optima je navržen pro rychlou výměnu zakázek a je vybaven několika jedinečnými systém jako ARUN, Falcon II nebo Ink Cartridge.
Tisk rozšířeným spektrem barev
Někteří lidé vidí budoucnost flexotiskové technologie v rozšířeném spektru barev EGP, čili sedmibarevném tisku bez použití přímých barev Pantone. Tiskový stroj Optima, s moderním systémem čerpání barev a velmi stabilním tiskovým bodem díky pokročilému systému eliminace vibrací Advanced Bounce Control, je ideálním řešením pro sedmibarevný tisk EGP. Výhody, které EGP přináší:
bez nutnosti přemývání barevníků, čímž se šetří čas, barva a tiskové štočky
současný tisk několika designů ve stejnou chvíli
Ekologický tisk
Budoucnost dalších generací je pro nás důležitá. Vyvinuli jsme tiskový stroj OPTIMA tak, aby dokázal efektivně pracovat s technologiemi šetrnými k životnímu prostředí, jako je tisk vodními barvami, tisk na papír nebo na biodegradabilní materiály, sedmibarevný tisk EGP nebo tisk s UV nebo UV/LED barvami.
ULTRA Technology
UV nebo UV/LED barvy se převážně používají pro potisk etiket. Pro společnosti, které chtějí profitovat z této technologie ve středně širokém nebo širokém segmentu tisku obalů, je flexotiskový stroj Optima ideálním řešením.