We are delighted to announce that SOMA Changeover Wizard has been honored as a recipient of a prestigious 2022 FTA Technical Innovation Award in the heavy metal (converting equipment) category. SOMA Changeover Wizard is an innovative component of new SOMA Optima flexo presses, which can be discussed with our team during the concurrent FTA INFOFLEX 2022 exhibition, booth 815.
For more than 25 years, the FTA Technical Innovation Award has recognized the most innovative and impactful technologies for the ever-evolving package printing and converting industry. Recipients of the Technical Innovation Award are deemed by a panel of industry experts to have the potential power to change flexography’s future for the better. They include innovative technologies that utilize the flexographic process or have been designed specifically to enhance flexographic printing.
With a lack of skilled press operators and upward and downward pressures from digital and gravure, flexo needs to meet the challenges of efficient changeovers while under the operation of a novice workforce. The SOMA Changeover Wizard is a flexo press user interface that guides the press operator during all the steps involved changing from one job to the next. In doing so, it reduces the number of tasks or may shorten tasks required, defines their optimal order, and automates as many steps as possible Due to connection to cloud-based recipes, the usage of correct data for job setting is ensured, therefore minimizing operator error. It is designed to be used by anyone. Both the primary press operator - as well as any assistant - may use the Wizard simultaneously.
Notes from the FTA Technical Innovation judges commented that the SOMA Changeover Wizard attempts to address a much bigger industry problem of pure technical staffing. The ability to guide an operator through a changeover is extremely helpful and valuable. Because of the current workforce situation, the judges saw a big value in the technology.
“We are thrilled that the FTA has honored our SOMA Changeover Wizard with an FTA Technical Innovation award. This was very much a team effort. Many people were involved in the development of this powerful feature that brings so much to our customers,” comments Pavla Kusa, Commercial Director, SOMA. “During our continuous efforts to explore customer challenges, we always ask for feedback. One theme constantly arose - that inferior competence or lowly-skilled press operation was a concern. It was exemplified by a British customer who said, ‘I just had to hire a taxi driver to operate our press. I fear what is happening during the night shift.’ Thus, the idea of the Changeover Wizard was born.”
“One of the burdens of flexo technology is that there are many variables that must be put under control. As all equipment becomes more intelligent, they must also replace a certain skill level. The integration of a Changeover Wizard with automatic plate mounting and intelligent registration and impression settings provides simplicity - a means to allow flexo presses to operate almost like digital ones,” describes Petr Blaško, SOMA Marketing Director. “With our Changeover Wizard, the process is standardized: an ability to ensure the same process - and results - every time.”
It's an exciting time for SOMA in North America,” comments Garrett Taylor, SOMA US and Canada Sales Director. “We have announced our partnership as co-founders of soon-to-open Flexo Xperience Center, which brings the industry’s best innovation providers together in one place. We are building a nice installed base of SOMA Optima presses along with SOMA mounters. And now, we are grateful that we can showcase the Changeover Wizard as a great example of SOMA Intelligent Automation.”
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Vibrační tisky
Flexotisk je slibnou technologií, která má pouze jednu slabinu. Některé tiskové designy mohou generovat vibrace vznikající při rotačním způsobu tisku mezi tisknutelnou a netisknutelnou oblastí. Proto jsme vyvinuli pokročilý systém Advanced Bounce Control, který zaručuje minimální vibrace při vyšších tiskových rychlostech a zajišťuje perfektní tvar tiskového bodu.
Efektivita krátkých zakázek
Zakázky se zkracují ve všech oblastech obalového průmyslu z rozličných důvodů, např. kvůli personifikaci obalu nebo z požadavku na velké množství příchutí. Flexotiskový stroj Optima je navržen pro rychlou výměnu zakázek a je vybaven několika jedinečnými systém jako ARUN, Falcon II nebo Ink Cartridge.
Tisk rozšířeným spektrem barev
Někteří lidé vidí budoucnost flexotiskové technologie v rozšířeném spektru barev EGP, čili sedmibarevném tisku bez použití přímých barev Pantone. Tiskový stroj Optima, s moderním systémem čerpání barev a velmi stabilním tiskovým bodem díky pokročilému systému eliminace vibrací Advanced Bounce Control, je ideálním řešením pro sedmibarevný tisk EGP. Výhody, které EGP přináší:
bez nutnosti přemývání barevníků, čímž se šetří čas, barva a tiskové štočky
současný tisk několika designů ve stejnou chvíli
Ekologický tisk
Budoucnost dalších generací je pro nás důležitá. Vyvinuli jsme tiskový stroj OPTIMA tak, aby dokázal efektivně pracovat s technologiemi šetrnými k životnímu prostředí, jako je tisk vodními barvami, tisk na papír nebo na biodegradabilní materiály, sedmibarevný tisk EGP nebo tisk s UV nebo UV/LED barvami.
ULTRA Technology
UV nebo UV/LED barvy se převážně používají pro potisk etiket. Pro společnosti, které chtějí profitovat z této technologie ve středně širokém nebo širokém segmentu tisku obalů, je flexotiskový stroj Optima ideálním řešením.