Project Regional support is co-funded by the European Union
It has been decided to provide a subsidy from the european regional development fund - operational programme enterprise and innovations for the competitiveness for following projects:
Participation at the most prestigious exhibition for printers - DRUPA 2016
Participation at the prestigious international exhibitions in 2015 - 2017
Participation at the prestigious international exhibitions in 2017 - 2018
Promotion of products made by SOMA spol. s r.o. on foreign trade fairs
New generation of flexoprinting presses in Application programme - Call I
Within a New generation of flexoprinting presses in Application programme - Call I, the following prototype presses have been developped and manufactured:
flexographic printing press Optima
flexographic printing press Maxima
flexographic printing press Large
flexographic printing press Wide
flexographic printing press Minor
Innovation of the product range of flexographic printing machines OPTIMA of the SOMA company in INNOVATION programme Call I
Soma Research and Development Centre in Potencial programme Call I
Research and Development of SMART premium flexographic printing press and automatic plate mounting machine - in APPLICATION programme, Call VI
SOMA spol. s r.o. is implementing a project called Research and Development of SMART premium series of flexographic printing machine and automatic plate mounter, which aims to research and develop a functional prototype of SMART premium series of flexographic printing machine and automatic plate mounter based on its own industrial research and experimental development carried out in its own Technology Centre GLOBE. This project receives financial support from the European Union under the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness.
Research and Development of a functional prototypes series of company´s key technological equipment - in APPLICATION programme, Call VII
SOMA spol. s r.o. is implementing a project called Research and Development of a series of functional prototypes of the company's key technological equipment, which aims to use sophisticated methods and tools of development, modeling, simulation methods, etc., to leapfrog the functional characteristics of slitting technologies, as well as the development and integration of new products into the production of coating machines and down/upstream units. The project will result in a total of 7 prototypes. This project receives financial support from the European Union under the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness.
Research and Development of 2 intelligent systems in flexography connected to Industry 4.0
Research and Development of 3 brand new models of flexoprinting presses - in APPLICATION programme, Call VIII
SOMA spol. s r. o. is implementing a project called Research and Development of 3 new model series of flexographic printing machines, which aims to advance the fundamental technical parameters and introduction into production of 3 functional prototypes of flexographic printing machines through R&D activities of industrial research and experimental development. The output of the project will be 3 prototypes whose functionality will be tested and verified and will be ready for introduction into series production. This project receives financial support from the European Union under the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness.
Foreign promotion of company SOMA spol. s r.o.
The main goal of the implementation of this project is to strengthen the company´s international competitiveness through participation at the prestigious exhibitions for printing and flexible packaging industry in 2024-2025
CI flexo portfolio for the USA and response to key industry trends
The goal of the project is to develop through R&D activities functional prototypes of flexographic printing machines and software, specialized in the process of specific materials or inks, primarily for the US market
Already attended exhibitions:
LABEL EXPO 2015 - the prestigious exhibition for labels
DRUPA 2016 - the most prestigious exhibition for printers
K SHOW 2016 - the prestigious exhibition for plastics
LABEL EXPO 2017 - the prestigious exhibition for labels
CHINAPRINT 2017 - the prestigious Chinese exhibition for printing and flexible packaging
INFO FLEX 2017 - the prestigious US exhibition for flexoprinting industry
ANDINA PACK 2017 - participation at the prestigious exhibition for printing and flexible packaging industry
PRINTECH 2017 - participation at the prestigious exhibition for printing and flexible packaging industry
PRINTECH 2018 - participation at the prestigious exhibition for printing and flexible packaging industry
CHINAPLAS 2018 - the prestigious Chinese exhibition for printing and flexible packaging
PROPAK EAST AFRICA 2018 - participation at the prestigious exhibition for printing and flexible packaging industry
INFO FLEX 2018 - the prestigious US exhibition for flexoprinting industry
CHINAPLAS 2019 - the prestigious Chinese exhibition for printing and flexible packaging
INFO FLEX 2019 - the prestigious US exhibition for flexoprinting industry
ANDINA PACK 2019 - participation at the prestigious exhibition for printing and flexible packaging industry
K SHOW 2019 - the prestigious exhibition for plastics
PRINTECH/ROSUPAK 2019 - participation at the prestigious exhibition for printing and flexible packaging industry
UPAKOVA 2021 - participation at the prestigious exhibition for printing and flexible packaging industry
ROSUPAK 2021 - participation at the prestigious exhibition for printing and flexible packaging industry
CHINAPLAS 2021 - the prestigious Chinese exhibition for printing and flexible packaging
The grant funds will be used for the realization of exhibition stands at preferred exhibitions, machine transport and operation at exhibitions and for marketing and promotional materials.
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Maschinendesign mit Vibrations-minimierendem System
Flexo ist eine vielversprechende Technologie, die jedoch eine Schwäche hat. Bestimmte Designs können Vibrationen während des Rotationsdruckprozesses auslösen, die aufgrund der bedruckten und nicht bedruckten Bereiche entstehen. Aus diesem Grunde haben das fortgeschrittene Advanced Bounce Control System entwickelt, das die Vibrationen bei hohen Druckgeschwindigkeiten minimiert und eine perfekte Form vom Druckpunkt garantiert.
Effektivität der kurzen Aufträge
Die Druckaufträge werden in allen Verpackungssegmenten kürzer und kürzer, und zwar aus vielen Gründen wie z.B. einer Personifizierung der Verpackung, oder einer breiten Auswahl von Geschmacksrichtungen. Wir haben die Optima speziell für den schnellen Auftragswechsel entwickelt und bieten verschiedene einzigartige Systeme wie ARUN, Falcon II oder Ink Cartridgen an.
Expanded Gamut Spektrum Druck
Es wird gesagt, dass die Zukunft von Flexodruck in dem EGP Druck (7-Farben-Palette Druck ohne Pantone-Farben) liegt. Optima ist mit ihrem modernen Farbsystem und dank der durch Advanced Bounce Control System sehr stabilen Druckpunktform ideal für EGP. Sie können folgende Vorteile nutzen:
Kein Waschprozes und somit Zeit-, Druckfarben - und Druckplattenersparnis
Gleichzeitiger Druck von mehreren Designs
Umweltfreundlicher Druck
Die Zukunft unserer Kinder ist uns wichtig. Wir haben OPTIMA für Nutzung aller umweltfreundlichen Technologien wie Druck auf Wasserbasis, Druck auf Papier oder biologisch abbaubaren Substrate, EGP oder Druck mit energieaushärtenden Druckfarben vorbereitet.
ULTRA Technology
UV- oder UV-LED-Druckfarben werden in großem Umfang vor allem im Etikettensegment verwendet. Für Kunden, die von dieser Technologie im Mid-Web- oder Wide-Web-Bereich profitieren möchten, ist OPTIMA eine ideale Lösung.